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純淨儀式套組 Purity Ritual Kit



"Your Purification & Balance Ritual, Connect with Inner Serenity, Restore the Balance of the Spirit."



此套裝是由 NESS Wellness 共同創辦人 Angela 與 NESS 這個身心靈健康平台合作推出的純淨儀式套組。這款套裝的設計旨在幫助您透過一場深具儀式感的淨化過程,來達到自我與空間、自然界之間的平衡與淨化。每一個精心挑選的元素都承載著來自自然的力量,幫助您清除負能量,並提升靈魂的能量。


This Purity Ritual Kit is personally curated by Angela, co-founder of NESS Wellness, and launched in collaboration with the NESS platform for holistic health and well-being. Designed to help you engage in a ritual that promotes self-purification and balance between yourself, your space, and the natural world, each carefully selected element carries the power of nature, aiding you in clearing negative energy and elevating the spirit.



Whether you're setting up a new home, creating a sacred space, or simply seeking peace of mind, this collaborative kit provides the essential tools to transform your environment into a sanctuary of serenity and positive energy.



產品介紹 Product Description

  • 聖木 Palo Santo:又稱“神聖之木”,聖木因其淨化空氣和能量、促進放鬆以及提升情緒的能力而備受推崇。它經常被用來清除負能量,並為您的空間帶來和平與清晰的感覺。Also known as "Holy Wood," Palo Santo is revered for its ability to purify the air and energy, promote relaxation, and uplift your mood. It’s often used to clear negative energies and bring a sense of peace and clarity to your space.

  • 白色鼠尾草 White Sage:以其強大的淨化能力著稱,白色鼠尾草可淨化空間、個人,甚至是水晶與礦石上的負面能量。Known for its powerful cleansing abilities, White Sage purifies spaces, individuals, and even crystals and stones, removing any negative energy that may have accumulated.

  • 雪松 Cedar:相較於鼠尾草,雪松的香氣更為淡雅,不僅能淨化空間,還能帶來正面能量,創造出一個平靜與祥和的環境。With a softer, more subtle aroma compared to Sage, Cedar not only cleanses spaces but also brings in positive energy, creating a calm and peaceful environment.

  •  藍色鼠尾草 Blue Sage:適合用來淨化更大範圍的場域與氣場,據說還能召喚財富與健康,是追求豐盛生活的理想選擇。Perfect for purifying larger areas and energy fields, Blue Sage is also believed to attract wealth and health, making it an excellent choice for those seeking abundance in their lives.

內容列表 Item

  • 2根聖木 2 Palo Santo sticks
  • 3束鼠尾草(白色鼠尾草、雪松、藍色鼠尾草)3 Sage bundles (White Sage, Cedar, Blue Sage)
  • 鮑魚貝殼 Abalone shell
  • 木製支架 Wooden stand
  • 羽毛 Feather
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